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Friday, February 7, 2014

Experiment reflection

-10ml of cupric sulfate (H10Cu9S)
-(60 grams H10CuO9S+60ml of H2O)
-the chemical formaula formmonia molecule in NH3

  -when you get to 36 drops +lml of ammonia
-when they put the first 6 drops white bubles started to form and go to the top.
-whe they put the next 6 drops there were more white bubbles.
-the next 6 drops made the top part of the tube light blue and the top was becoming a solid.
-in the next drops the top part became more of a solid and it was harder to shake.
-in the six drops their were a lot of white bubbles.
-in the final six drops you can see that the middle of the light blue is a  solid.It is approximatly 1ml of ammonia. The top part was kind of warm. It was glowing in the dark alittle.
-When we put  more drops the middle is completly solid and in the top still alittle bit of blue water.When we looked through the bottom it had kinda looked yellowish color.

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