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Friday, January 10, 2014

Chemical Bonding

                                                                 * Definitions*
Chemical Bond- Is the joining of atoms to form new substances.
Ionic bond- A bond in which electrons are transmitted from one atom to another, which concludes in a positive ion and a negative ion.
Covalent Bond- A bond in which atoms contribute one or more pairs of electrons.
Metallic Bonding-A bond in which attractions between the positively charged metal ions and the negatively electrons around them.
                                                               * Facts*

  • Metallic bonding gives metals their distinctive properties,such as electrical conductivity, malleability, and ductility.
  • The number of electrons in the outermost shell of an atom determines whether an atom will create bonds.
  • Covalent bonds have individual particles called molecules.
  • Bonding in metal is a result of the metal atoms being so close to one another that their outer most energy levels overlap. 

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