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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Chemical Equations

 Law of Conservation of mass- Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.

Chemical Equation- A representation of a chemical reaction that uses subscripts and coefficients to show the relationship between the reactants and the products.
Subscript- The number in front of a chemical symbol or formula.

Coefficient- A number written below and to the right of a chemical symbol in a formula.

 Example: NaCl+F2 ------> NaF+Cl2

           Na= 1                 Na=1 
       Cl=1                   Cl=2
       F=2                     F=1

Balance the equation using coefficients NOT subscripts. Then multiply the coefficient by the subscripts.

           2NaCl+F2 ------->  2NaF+Cl2
         Na=2                    Na=2
      Cl=2                     Cl=2
      F=2                       F=2

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