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Friday, May 9, 2014



 * Coral reefs are amongst the most diversity ecosystem on earth.
 *Rainforest are an example of biodiversity on the planet and typically possess a great deal of species diversity.
           Well biodiversity is the variety of different species in a biome or specific region.

Biodiversty articles

                                        Summary  Article 1                                                                                          
         Biodiversity is really important in today's society. Biodiversity increases ecosystem productivity where each creature, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. For instance, the more species there are the more of a chance it will ensure natural  sustainability for all life forms. Quick global warming can affect an ecosystems chances to adapt naturally.

                                  Summary Article 2 

         Climate change has an essential role in biodiversity. If climate change changes rapidly, biodiversity loss increases. Biodiversity is the reason we are alive and breathing.

Thursday, May 8, 2014



  • Biodiversity- An amount of organisms in a given area during a specific period of time.
  •  Environmental degradation- Any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.
  •  Assistive bioengineering- Engineering that results in a product or a process that helps living organisms but does not change them permanently. 
  • Adaptive bioengineering- Engineering that results in a product or process that changes living organisms.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The process of building an electric motor

     To make an electric motor you will need a coil, two paper clips, tape, two disc magnets, a cup, and wires. 

  •  First put the wire around a cardboard tube to make a coil.          
  • Then spin the wire around the loops on each side of the coil.      Leave about five centimeters of wire on each end of the coil.     
  • Hold the coil on the edges and sand the top half of each end of the wire. This blocks the electric current instead of reversing it.  
  • Unfold the two paper clips from the middle, and make a hook in one end of each paper clip to hold the coil.                                  
  • Place one disc magnet at the top of the cup and the other at the bottom. The magnets should remain in place when the cup is turned upside down.                                                                 
  • Tape the paper clips to the side of the cup. They should be the same height and should keep the coil from hitting the magnet.    
  • To test your coil, flick the top of your coil lightly with your finger. It should be able to spin freely without wobbling or sliding to one side.                                                            
  •  Adjust the ends of the wire and hooks until your coil spins freely. 
  • Use alligator clips to attach one wire to each paper clip.
  •  Attach the free ends of the wire to the terminals of the battery.
  • Stop the coil and spin it in the opposite direction. Record your observations.
  • If the coil doesn't keep spinning check the ends of the wire.
  • If you removed too much of the wire, color half of the wire with a permanent marker.                                      
  •  Switch the connections to the battery and repeat the steps.


Monday, March 31, 2014

Experiment result

 The more coils you put, The stronger the magnet. The bigger the battery is the more magnetism it has. The bigger the voltage, the more magnetic attraction.


      Solenoid- A coil of wire with an electric current.              


Magnetic Field

     The earth and a bar magnet have the same magnetic field  except earth is bigger. They both are strongest at the poles.                                                

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Chemical Equations

 Law of Conservation of mass- Atoms cannot be created or destroyed.

Chemical Equation- A representation of a chemical reaction that uses subscripts and coefficients to show the relationship between the reactants and the products.
Subscript- The number in front of a chemical symbol or formula.

Coefficient- A number written below and to the right of a chemical symbol in a formula.

 Example: NaCl+F2 ------> NaF+Cl2

           Na= 1                 Na=1 
       Cl=1                   Cl=2
       F=2                     F=1

Balance the equation using coefficients NOT subscripts. Then multiply the coefficient by the subscripts.

           2NaCl+F2 ------->  2NaF+Cl2
         Na=2                    Na=2
      Cl=2                     Cl=2
      F=2                       F=2

Friday, February 7, 2014

Solid Precipitate Experiment

  • First we added 6 drops of ammonia (NH3) into a 10ml solution of water (H20) and copper sulfate (H10CuO9S).
  • A white precipitate will form.
  • As you add more ammonia ( in 6 drop increments) more precipitate will form.
  • As more precipitate formed and fell to the bottom of the tube; the precipitate seemed to be yellow-green in color.
3 of the 4 signs of chemical reactions occurred in this experiment.
  • Color change
  • Energy being given off
  • Formation of a precipitate

Experiment reflection

-10ml of cupric sulfate (H10Cu9S)
-(60 grams H10CuO9S+60ml of H2O)
-the chemical formaula formmonia molecule in NH3

  -when you get to 36 drops +lml of ammonia
-when they put the first 6 drops white bubles started to form and go to the top.
-whe they put the next 6 drops there were more white bubbles.
-the next 6 drops made the top part of the tube light blue and the top was becoming a solid.
-in the next drops the top part became more of a solid and it was harder to shake.
-in the six drops their were a lot of white bubbles.
-in the final six drops you can see that the middle of the light blue is a  solid.It is approximatly 1ml of ammonia. The top part was kind of warm. It was glowing in the dark alittle.
-When we put  more drops the middle is completly solid and in the top still alittle bit of blue water.When we looked through the bottom it had kinda looked yellowish color.

Expirament #2

               EXPERIMENT #2 (CH3COOH + NaHCO3--CH3COONa + H2O + CO2)
       By adding the 20ml of vinegar in the measuring test tube of 100ml it would stay in its form until the other chemicals are added. Our next step is putting a light tea candle and place a plastic container bowl then we would have an candle above the vinegar. Then adding baking soda approximately 1 gram to the tube so that the gas flows into the bowl. 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Ballon experiment

                         Experiment 1 (CH3COOH + NaHCO ---> CH3COONa + H2O + CO2)

 Pour 10ml of vinegar into a test tube (approximately 57ml). Add approximately .5 grams of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate). Cap quickly with a balloon. Record your results. Reflect.