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Friday, May 9, 2014



 * Coral reefs are amongst the most diversity ecosystem on earth.
 *Rainforest are an example of biodiversity on the planet and typically possess a great deal of species diversity.
           Well biodiversity is the variety of different species in a biome or specific region.

Biodiversty articles

                                        Summary  Article 1                                                                                          
         Biodiversity is really important in today's society. Biodiversity increases ecosystem productivity where each creature, no matter how small, all have an important role to play. For instance, the more species there are the more of a chance it will ensure natural  sustainability for all life forms. Quick global warming can affect an ecosystems chances to adapt naturally.

                                  Summary Article 2 

         Climate change has an essential role in biodiversity. If climate change changes rapidly, biodiversity loss increases. Biodiversity is the reason we are alive and breathing.

Thursday, May 8, 2014



  • Biodiversity- An amount of organisms in a given area during a specific period of time.
  •  Environmental degradation- Any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.
  •  Assistive bioengineering- Engineering that results in a product or a process that helps living organisms but does not change them permanently. 
  • Adaptive bioengineering- Engineering that results in a product or process that changes living organisms.